Don't Let satan Stop You Or Your Calling!

Today's Reading: " For we wanted to come to you--certainly I, Paul, did, again and again--but Satan stopped us." (1 Thessalonians 2:18)

Okay, I'm going to take you into a personal conversation with a precious loved one over God's will for my life. Oh, how I pray you have just such a trusted encourager in your life! (Sorry, I'm doing a little paraphasing here, but thank you so much, my dearest Sarah!)

How does satan work to stop someone from fulfilling God's purpose for their lives? Discouragement!

ME: "I've been told that my work is too involved and that I need to trim it down. What do you think? Am I going over people's heads?"

My Loved One: "Who told you that? If they don't get it, tell them to keep reading it until they do! "If God is calling you out and you are receiving nothing but negativity--look for motive!" Satan uses the negativity of others (even believers--probably, especially believers) to discourage us from our purpose. Honestly, people don't even realize what they are doing. A great example is Peter (Oh, read Matthew 16:18). Jesus was able to discern satan being behind the remark and quickly rebuked him! If you have nothing but smooth sailing--that's the time to worry if you are truly in God's will! Remember, "...we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and rulers of darkness."

Another enemy to accomplishing God's purpose and plan for your life is fear and false humility!

ME: "Sometimes I think it may all be vanity. I'm not really sure that the people I'm trying to lead are at a place where they can hear what I am trying to say. If that is the case, then, I am seeking my own glory. I guess that's what I'm really afraid of--pride--the sin of satan." Please pray that God will humble me and that I not get puffed up with the knowledge He has given me Knowledge without Christ is nothing! Also, please pray that I will be sensitive to serving others in a way that is pleasing to God. It is hard, and I can get prideful!"

My Loved One: "You quit giving the satan credit about his pride and quit walking in fear that you are going to fall. That thing that Job feared came on him. We walk by faith not by sight, which means we do not go by what people say or how things appear, but we press on to the high calling of God. Let God have his perfect work in you that you may want for nothing less. Every time we, as children of God, press into his anointing and purpose for our lives and we are being used by the Holy Spirit, the devil sends his fiery darts to destroy the work of God in our lives, so that we can not touch others. The desire that you have for ministry is not you walking in pride, God gave you that desire that burns on the inside of you and he is not going to let his word that flows out of you go void. Don't be like Lots wife who looked back, your going exactly where God has called you, get ready!"

Perhaps the worse enemy to doing God's will is doubting God's calling, and worse, His revealed word!

ME: "I don't think satan has ever wanted me in this ministry! I just get confused by my own desires and those of God! God has been giving me this message since before I started this ministry, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished". (1 Chronicles 28:20)

The key to accomplishing God's will and purpose for your life? Believing God!

ME: "I will choose to listen to God, and not those who discourage! I love you soooo much, dear loved one!"

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