God's Two Choices Against Temptation - Stand! Flee!

Today's Reading: Psalm 119:106-114 Pray this daily!

"I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws. I have suffered much; preserve my life, O LORD, according to your word. Accept, O LORD, the willing praise of my mouth, and teach me your laws. Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget your law. The wicked have set a snare for me, but I have not strayed from your precepts. Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end. I hate double-minded men, but I love your law. You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word."

Beloved, it is my prayer that God's perfect will be accomplished in your life and that you would not be led astray by anything that was not of God--anything!

I believe God's word only gives us two options when faced with temptation or any situation that would seek to destroy our testimony and/or our very lives--stand or flee!

Precious are the times when God intervenes and takes the matter out of our hands and frees us from having to make the choice. Oh, but know there is also a perfect time to stand and fight! Read 1 Samuel 17, especially verses and 22-26 and 41-46!

Young David stands fearlessly against a giant who dares to blaspheme our God and coming against His children! Another example of standing is Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3.) When the king tried to force them to stop worshiping and praying to the One True God. Rather than bowing down and worshipping a man-made image, they chose the firey furnace. Of course, the Lord delivered them--even to joining them in the flames!

Countless saints have taken a stand for their faith--facing difficult, evenly deadly circumstances. Some were delivered back to their families, others suffered horrible deaths (Hebrews 11!) The question is do we stand in our own strength or, as young David, in the power and strength of Almighty God? If God's asks you to stand, then be sure that He will give you the strength and wisdom to confront your enemies. Don't ever attempt this without His leading!

An example of fleeing is given in Genesis 39 regarding young Joseph and Potiphar's wife! He fled from the very appearance of evil! Fleeing is not weakness! Sometimes it is the only "out" God gives us! It is realizing your weaknesses and as Jesus put it, "cutting off your hand!"

Actually, our experiences are quite similiar, except it was mental illness, true madness, that led many in my family into believing all sort of lies of the devil. Those lies also destroyed them physically, but I pray that God, in His great mercy, did not allow this illnes to destroy their souls. I have hope because even though my family erred in areas of the faith, I do believe that they recognized Jesus as the only Way to salvation.

When I married, the Lord moved us away from my family for 13 years because I wasn't spiritually able to stand up to satan using them to scheme and plot against me or to unjustly accuse me as they had always done. God knew that! (I didn't know the "why" then, but God revealed that to me when He did bring me back.)

Trust that God knows your situation and will provide your escape! He has delivered you and He will deliver you (2 Corinthians 1:10)! Why are you upset about the date of your birth--as if your parents were in control? No, scripture tells us that the times and even the places where we will live are His preordained plan for your life! While your family may have been plotting evil, your Father God has nothing but a good future planned for you (Jeremiah 29:11!) Why are you worried about any "spells" or voodoo, or whatever it is they try to come up with against you? Are they God? No! God's words says that "no weapon formed against you will stand (Isaiah 54:17!)" Why fear them? Trust God! I know you love your parents, and you are horrified at what you discovered about their lives, but press forward! If they fail to repent, trust them to God! You, dear one, are a kingdom and a priest to your God (Revelation >1:6!) You, right now, are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6!) Walk in this truth!

I will continue to remember you all in my prayers. God's has a purpose for your life! I know this is long, but it is from my heart! I want to share

Generational Curses

Today's Reading: "I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me..." (Exodus 20:5b)

"The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will plant the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the offspring of men and of animals. Just as I watched over them to uproot and tear down, and to overthrow, destroy and bring disaster, so I will watch over them to build and to plant," declares the LORD. "In those days people will no longer say, `The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.' Instead, everyone will die for his own sin; whoever eats sour grapes--his own teeth will be set on edge. "The time is coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them, " declares the LORD. "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people." (Jeremiah 31:27-33)

"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." (Galatians 3:13) "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:9)

What role do "generational curses" have in the life of a believer?

Oh, dear one, any curse that should be accredited to your and my account was nailed on that cross with Jesus Christ! He received our curse. No, more--He became our curse. And, He suffered God's full wrath--the wrath that should have been poured out on us; not for the sins of our parents, but for all our own sins!

Praise God! In return, we receive His love, His blessing, His forgiveness and His most holy and precious Spirit! That's so key because now and forever we are "sealed" with this same Spirit as a guarantee of our future glory with God in eternity! "Sealed" means nothing can enter what God has signed, stamped, marked, and called His own! Nothing!

Yes, it is true we can be oppressed by evil or the evil one, but we have the blood of Jesus flowing in us, running through us and covering us! Glory to God! That's what makes satan so mad! He can't do anything to us, and nothing can come against us unless that it is in God's permissive will for our lives. And, we know that whatever He permits in our lives, He intends to use for our good! "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world"! So, dear one, be at peace!

It is true that children learn so many things from their parent's example. I believe that certain generational "sins" have been passed down through my family line for years, but, I have prayed and I truly believe that they have stopped with me! My children are blessed and have never suffered the exact same type of deprivation and, praise God, they are able to benefit from the fruit of my suffering and pain! Therefore, I count it all as gain! True, they will have their own sins to overcome--maybe some they learned from watching me! Everyone has to be overcomers of the generation before them!

This day make it your heartfelt prayer to God that any family trait, any family sin, any family curse stop with you! Vow that you will never look upon or indulge in anything that remotely is connected with a family sin!

I've walked with God for 33 years now and I can tell you He is Faithful! My life has taken a different path from that of my family's (I speaking of specific areas of sin). This is a major praise and I lay all the glory for that at the feet of Jesus! My teeth do not gnash at the sins of my fathers and neither should yours! Glory!

You are so loved by your Father God! Trust Him and make Him your delight! Ask Him to change any family "sin" or "curse" into a blessing--one that can be used for His glory. Oh, and know there are others who will learn from and be blessed by you!

Gentle Breezes

Today's Reading: “When a gentle south wind began to blow, they thought they had obtained what they wanted; so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore of Crete. Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called the "northeaster," swept down from the island. The ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind; so we gave way to it and were driven along.” (Acts 27:13-15)

A couple of days ago, I was reading my Bible and ran across this passage. Oh, friends, enjoy those gentle, soft breezes! Just know that as a child of God, following sweptly behind them are those hurricane force winds coming right at us! So, don’t be “driven along!” Have your feet firmly grounded in God’s truth and on the ROCK, the Lord, Jesus Christ so you may be able to stand!

The Alabaster Jar

Rejoice with me!

I'm sitting here this morning, with tears streaming down my cheeks. This is very unusual for me because I don't cry. It's not because I don't want to. Oh, I so desperately want to! I wish God would open the flood gates and let the tears flow! But, for some reason, I can't! I can cry over the joy of a baby, (my grandchild) a stupid commercial or some sappy movie (although, those are getting harder and harder to find) and definitely, I cry at weddings--all weddings! Just know that when the real tears don't, won't or can't flow because the hurt and pain is so deep, our souls cry! And, our God sees!

[When this was first written] In this week's Beth Moore study, The Patriarchs, Beth ended the session by re-visiting the scripture where Mary washed the Lord's feet with her tears, and annointed them with the perfume from an alabaster jar (Luke 7:36-38!)

The perfume in this jar was very costly--perhaps a year's wages in those days. Men were judging and accusing her, because they were only concerned with the cost of the perfume--not with the cost of the pain and brokenness of the woman's heart! Now, I'm not just "bashing" the male gender! These men could represent anyone around you---family, friends, the world!

Oh, be sure, the woman in this biblical story heard the mumbling against her! Don't think it for a moment it was lost on her! But, trust me, as she wept before the Lord those overheard comments, those haughty looks didn't even faze her, and they certainly weren't going to deter her! This woman was at the point of desperation! She only had eyes and a heart for Jesus! " Jehoshua--Jehovah Saves!

You see, like Beth pointed out from the song by Ce Ce Wyans, only this woman and Jesus knew the real cost for her coming there that day--the pain and shame behind those tears! Oh, it wasn't the perfume that was costly, it was her pain!

Think about what sin costs us: Separation from God, and, oh, always from society, maybe even from the ones we love! Sin is not something most of us do openly. No, because of its shame, we do it in the dark, or in secret, hidden places so people won't see or know! Sin always brings loneliness, and when sin is complete, sin brings death!

Mary knew Jesus understood the cost her shame. Others were ready to condemn, Jesus was ready to love, forgive, rebuild and restore! What a Savior! I imagine that woman left that room changed--in a way those men who scoffed at her would never understand! For the first time in such a long time, she rose, stood straight up, held up her head, (Oh, beloved, He is the Lifter of our heads (Psalms 3:3!) and probably for the first time in such a long, long time, this woman was able to look others straight in the eye! While it is true that she walked out into the same old world, she walked out as a new creation! She was a child of the King! Royalty!

Do you think the people saw it? No, they probably thought to themselves, "Who does she think she is? Why she's nothing but a whore!" We don't know, but, perhaps they always looked at her in that same old way. I can assure you, she never was a "whore" again! How do I know, I am that woman!

This morning, I remembered the cost! Jesus met me there again and He lifted my head! I pray that all of you will go back and remember the place where Jesus found you! Wash His dear feet, yes, again--even if your tears are soul tears! Thank Him for seeing what no one else sees--your heart! He thinks you are precious! You are the apple of His eye and so am I! Let's keep reminding ourselves of this great truth!

Oh, and as Beth reminded us, one day Jesus will present us with a new name, a new identity (Revelation 2:17!) The meaning behind this new name will not be known or understood by anyone else, just you and Jesus! Beth believes it's because only you and Jesus will know the full cost behind the name! So, when you look at those around you, those still wounded in a lost world, and your own brothers and sisters in Christ, think of their cost! You heart toward them will be changed!

Yes, remember the cost, and worship!

Comfort in Suffering

Today's Reading: ""My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise[s] preserves my life." (Psalms 119:50)

I came across this particular scripture a little while ago, and I'm sure most of us need to be reminded of it's truth! I love you all! Your sister in suffering for Christ's sake

Fight On!

Today's Reading: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

Dear ones, this is the Christian life! When we first come to Jesus we truly believe all is going to be well with us and the world--world peace! Then, suddenly we're thrust into very dredges of battle! Because of our misconceptions, when the war rages, many fall away. Don't be one of those who fall away! No, learn every morning to put on your battle gear and begin your day literally visualizing that you are marching out to war. Oh, thank God, He blesses us with so many days that we are not even aware of the spiritual enemies all around us. This is so good of Him, but always, always be on guard because satan will pounce suddenly--he hates God, he hates his precious Son Jesus Christ and because you belong to them, he means your demise!

Fight with the sword of the Spirit--the Word of God. It is your only defensive weapon. You can't yield this weapon if you don't know what it says--so start learning to hide God's Word in your hearts! Learn to yield His Word well! And stand, being girded in the belt of God's truth--always seek after His truth! Put on your helmet--your breastplate, carry your shield (satan loves to throw those fiery darts!) Let your feet be prepared in readiness! To put this simply--put on Christ! He is the Word--He is the Truth--He is our Salvation! We have no hope of winning the battle and claiming the victory unless we do so in the power and might of our Lord and Savior!

So, don't become offended when satan uses those around you to attack--because, that is his most common source! Good heavens, he used the mouth of the apostle Peter agains his Lord, Jesus!

Keep in mind that the Bible tells us to rejoice during these times when we suffer for Christ's sake, because we are suffering with Him. It is proof that we are truly His! Remember, satan doesn't bother with those he already has--so yes, rejoice and again, I say, rejoice!


Today's Reading: "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." (1 Timothy 2:11-12)

A friend wrote: "I've been thinking all day about your comment about your belief that women shouldn't teach men. I was reminded of Deborah in [the book of] Judges who became the ruler because Barak wouldn't or couldn't. I'm also reminded of the scripture that speaks that "there is no male or female in Christ," I'm not advocating for every woman to jump out there and start a church, I just think it would be more accurate to say that if God wants to use you...it doesn't matter if you're a donkey, it would bless you to respond appropriately. I just was wondering what your expanded thougths are on that subject."

Response: "My reasoning for women not assuming to teach men is based solely on God's word. Yes, yes, yes--before the cross and before the throne of God, we are all one. There is no male, no female. No Jew--no Greek. Our God is no respecter of persons! We all equally stand before Him and we are all God's precious children. Our heavenly Father is pleased to lavishly pour out His gifts on each and everyone of us for use in building up His holy church and to bring Him glory.

Now, to get a grasp on submission and spiritual authority all we need to do is to consider the God-head Trinity. The Trinity is--has always been the great Three-in-One! All equally God, yet, each willingly assuming differing roles! A great mystery, yes!

Jesus Christ Himself says that God the Father is greater than all (John 10:29!) Jesus, our Savior God, willfully submitted Himself to the Father's will--even to death on a cross, (Philippians 2:6-8)! God the Holy Spirit, willfully submits Himself to both the Father and the Son--never assuming to speak of Himself, thou He is equally God (John 16:13-15). Oh, clearly we can see spiritual authority at work in the Holy Trinity!

Now, as men and women of God what roles are we to willingly assume? Obviously, our God is a God of order and peace and for this reason He has placed every one (male and female) under specific spiritual authority (Hebrews 13:17 and 2 Peter 2:13).

When I stated that I was not comfortable teaching men I was referring to the above passage in 1 Timothy and also 1 Corinthians 14:33-35! Here we find that the head of a woman is man, the head of man is Christ and the head of Christ is God! Spiritual Authority! I believe that where there is a man, willing, able and available to proclaim God's Word, then, glory to God, that man should do so! It is not my place to teach a man--he should be leading and teaching me! However, there have been times and sadly, this is very prevelant today, when men do not, or worse, will not step into their God-given roles as spiritual leaders. Yes, then either God's work will not be accomplished (which is never the case with God), or, God may choose to raise up a woman, or, yes, even a jack-ass (Numbers 22:10-33) to accomplish His purposes. But, it is always a disgrace and shame to man that God must do so, because it is never God's intent!

Judges 4 does tell us about Deborah and Barak. Deborah was a judge over Israel and a prophetess (both ordained gifts from God)--very powerful and respected positions for a man or a woman! Deborah hears a word from God and informs Barak that God has commanded that he and his army head out for battle. Barak's response is one of reluctance, lack of trust, and unbelief in God's truthfulness and His ability to deliver and save! Since Barak failed in immediate obedience to the Lord by refusing to enter into battle alone, Deborah makes it quite clear that the glory for the certain victory would go to a woman. No, the glory didn't go to Deborah, but to another woman who killed the man Deborah and Barak were seeking. Were Deborah and this woman disgraced? No, the disgrace lay solely at the feet of Barak because he did not rise to the occasion to bring honor to God!

In Genesis 3:16, Eve was told that her desire would be to her husband. God has place men in spirutual authority to rule--period! I personally believe that one reason this is so is that women (as we witnessed with Eve and the serpent) are quite often motivated by our emotions which can cause us to be more readily susceptible to deception and temptation. [This is totally me speaking, not God!] Men, as they are created to be, are usually guided more by wisdom and logic--it was not Adam that was deceived! Man was created in God's own image and woman for man.

You know, even I will admit that some good came out of the women's movement of the sixties i.e., equal pay for equal work. Though, truthfully, that is still in question today! Unfortunately, since that time women have moved ever more progressively, every more boldly and every more forcibly in an attempt to overshadow men. So much so, the cause behind the call for "women's rights" has reached the point where a man's respect, pride and dignity are being snatched away in the most vital of all places--as the head and provider of the home and family.

Sadly, this has tragically resulted in much confusion among men, not to mention our children who are observing the patterns being set in our homes. This was never, ever God's intent! I believe this is clear rebellion and scripture tells us that the heart of rebellion is witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23!) We need to be very careful to pray for and to enable our men step into their place of authority. Encourage them, support them, yes! Lead them, no, never!

When I felt God's leading for this ministry, I knew this would greatly impact my husband. So, I went first to him and sought his blessing and prayer. Then, I submitted myself to the leadership of our church. I am a woman under authority! I feel to have stepped into this position without their approval and blessing, I would have not been under God's authority for me, my family or my church family.

Ah, To Dare!

Today's Reading: "And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples. And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole. But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour." (Matthew 9:19-22 KJV)

Lord, how I wish I had the faith of the woman who dared to touch the hem of your garment! To dare! Only a child, or someone who is truly desperate will dare. Too often I come to you thinking you will hear me because of my many words. I don’t even know for sure that writing in this blog isn’t all vanity. All I know is that I’m desperate for (I was going to say your power or your healing touch, but Lord, I’m really desperate for you!) No one, nothing touches me like you do. Lord, I dare to touch you every time I lift my hands in praise to you, every time my soul feels like it is soaring because I am so overwhelmed by your presence, every time you and I share a moment or you give me a new revelation of yourself. You strengthen me, you heal my mind, soul and body. I’m in awe of you and love you more each day. Forgive me of my many sins! Have mercy, Lord.


Today's Reading: "With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee….I will delight myself in thy statutes; I will not forget thy word." (Psalm 119:10-11, 16 KJV)

The secret of keeping God’s commandments and hiding God’s word in your heart? Delighting and meditating in God’s Word! Psalm 1:2 says, “But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.”

Unfortunately, the word "meditate" has taken on a whole different connotation in today’s world. True, the word meditation can also have its basis in a philosophical, even “spiritual or religious” belief. Through such meditation practices as yoga and some Eastern religions, we are encouraged to “get inside” ourselves often chanting a word or "mantra". (Webster’s Dictionary defines "mantra" as a Hindu formula believed to embody the divinity invoked and to possess magical power.) All this in an effort to “free” our minds--to become "spiritually" open to the universe. Oh, we can become open alright, but to what? Be careful not to open you mind or your soul to wandering spirits seeking whom they may devour (1 Peter 5:8)!

Dear one, God doesn't want to free our minds! No! He wants to free us! He alone has the power to transform our lives by renewing of our minds! (Romans 12:2a) How is this possible you ask? By putting "off" the things that belong to our old sinful natures, and "putting on" Christ Jesus (Ephesians 4:22-23 and Galatians 3:27 KJV)!

A Much Needed Rest!

Todays Reading: “Then said they unto him, What shall we do that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom he hath sent.” John 6:28-29

“For the scripture saith, ”Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek; for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him; For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:11-13

There is the rest being offered to both the Jew and the Gentile alike, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) We can cease from our labors (our works under the law) and rest in the work of God that was accomplished in Christ Jesus upon the cross. In Isaiah 40:4;42:16 God promised to “make the crooked way straight” for us. In Mark 10:27 Jesus says, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible. “

One day we will put off this flesh that troubles us so. Yes, we still sin. But, Christ was made the propitiation for that sin. (Romans 3:25, 1 John 2:2; 4:10) Lay down your burden today. Rest in Him. He paid the price. Just believe. Simply believe. He’s promised on that day (the day of Christ’s return) we wont’ be ashamed. Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a man that he should lie”. Trust and believe today.

Jesus--the King of Saints!

Todays Reading: “Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.” (Revelation 15:3 KJV)

Jesus, friend of sinners (Luke 7:34 ) has become the King of saints. How? His great and marvelous works - His just and true ways. Man could never attain to the moral requirements of a just and holy God. Who among us has ever kept His commandments? (“There are none righteous, no not one.” Romans 3:10) Yet, how is it we are called saints? Being human we are sinful from birth (Genesis 8:21) and the just wages of our sin is death (Romans 6:23) But, “great and marvelous are thy works…” God has provided the Way - the Righteous for the unrighteous; the Just for the unjust (John 3:16). The Great Shepherd has become our sacrificial Lamb. The cross! The shame of the cross has become the glory of our salvation! Christ’s own blood was spilled on God’s mercy seat and atonement was complete (Herbrews 9:1-15)! Once and for all! Shepherd, Lamb, High Priest, Intercessor! Let us marvel at the cost of our sainthood. What an awesome God we serve! His wisdom is beyond understanding!

Don't Let satan Stop You Or Your Calling!

Today's Reading: " For we wanted to come to you--certainly I, Paul, did, again and again--but Satan stopped us." (1 Thessalonians 2:18)

Okay, I'm going to take you into a personal conversation with a precious loved one over God's will for my life. Oh, how I pray you have just such a trusted encourager in your life! (Sorry, I'm doing a little paraphasing here, but thank you so much, my dearest Sarah!)

How does satan work to stop someone from fulfilling God's purpose for their lives? Discouragement!

ME: "I've been told that my work is too involved and that I need to trim it down. What do you think? Am I going over people's heads?"

My Loved One: "Who told you that? If they don't get it, tell them to keep reading it until they do! "If God is calling you out and you are receiving nothing but negativity--look for motive!" Satan uses the negativity of others (even believers--probably, especially believers) to discourage us from our purpose. Honestly, people don't even realize what they are doing. A great example is Peter (Oh, read Matthew 16:18). Jesus was able to discern satan being behind the remark and quickly rebuked him! If you have nothing but smooth sailing--that's the time to worry if you are truly in God's will! Remember, "...we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and rulers of darkness."

Another enemy to accomplishing God's purpose and plan for your life is fear and false humility!

ME: "Sometimes I think it may all be vanity. I'm not really sure that the people I'm trying to lead are at a place where they can hear what I am trying to say. If that is the case, then, I am seeking my own glory. I guess that's what I'm really afraid of--pride--the sin of satan." Please pray that God will humble me and that I not get puffed up with the knowledge He has given me Knowledge without Christ is nothing! Also, please pray that I will be sensitive to serving others in a way that is pleasing to God. It is hard, and I can get prideful!"

My Loved One: "You quit giving the satan credit about his pride and quit walking in fear that you are going to fall. That thing that Job feared came on him. We walk by faith not by sight, which means we do not go by what people say or how things appear, but we press on to the high calling of God. Let God have his perfect work in you that you may want for nothing less. Every time we, as children of God, press into his anointing and purpose for our lives and we are being used by the Holy Spirit, the devil sends his fiery darts to destroy the work of God in our lives, so that we can not touch others. The desire that you have for ministry is not you walking in pride, God gave you that desire that burns on the inside of you and he is not going to let his word that flows out of you go void. Don't be like Lots wife who looked back, your going exactly where God has called you, get ready!"

Perhaps the worse enemy to doing God's will is doubting God's calling, and worse, His revealed word!

ME: "I don't think satan has ever wanted me in this ministry! I just get confused by my own desires and those of God! God has been giving me this message since before I started this ministry, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished". (1 Chronicles 28:20)

The key to accomplishing God's will and purpose for your life? Believing God!

ME: "I will choose to listen to God, and not those who discourage! I love you soooo much, dear loved one!"

Crying out for Justice in an Unjust World

Today's Reading: "And I saw something else under the sun: In the place of judgment--wickedness was there, in the place of justice--wickedness was there. " (Ecclesiastes 3:16)

I don't believe there is a person alive who has not suffered injustice, or wondered at the prosperity of the wicked! Jeremiah 12:1-2; Proverbs 24:1-2; 17-20; 29 may be answering your cries for justice.

Read Jeremiah 12:3. Here, the prophet is not seeking his own revenge, but calling on God to avenge him. Admittedly, it seems even more paradoxical that Jesus goes on to command His followers to pray for those who mistreat and misuse them (Luke 6:28)! True, more often than not, it appears as if the wicked "gets away" with their evil plots against us. Jeremiah 12:4 tells us that even our land, our country suffers because of sin and ungodliness.

However, throughout God's word, we are reminded never, ever to retailiate against evil (see also Romans 12:19). Rather, we are to be still and leave judgment solely up to God. We are told never to fret over the wicked, those have wronged us, plotted against us, those who wrongly prosper and/or succeed in this world. Why? Out of godly compassion for the lost! We should be ever mindful that one day God's mercy will end, (yes, He has mercy for the wicked) and those who have worked evil and wickedness will reap what they have sown (Galatians 6:7)!

One day there will be a reckoning! God's wrath will and is surely coming (Revelation 6:9-7)! (As His children we can take heart in 1 Thessalonians 5:9!) The tables will be turned, and as Proverbs 24:20 says, they (the wicked) have no future hope. Their lamp will be snuffed out! Considering this truth, I'm hope you can understand why we must pray for those who have wronged us, because, unless they repent, they are forever doomed to eternal separation from their Creator God!

In Jeremiah 12:5 and Proverbs 24:5-7, 10 God sees our troubles, our injustices as "little troubles". That sounds insensitive, but our God "sees" the bigger picture--and He "sees" it in light of eternity! Surely we can endure these "light and momentary" troubles since we know we have a grand and glorious eternity awaiting us!

Oh, child of God, build up your holy faith (Jude 1:20) and put on the full armour of God (Ephesians 6:11-18)! God is working out His plan in and through each of us, but the sad truth is that sometimes our difficult situations, our injustices come in order to bring us back to our first love, Jesus Christ. When suffering and trials come, we first need to seek His face to be sure we are in a right relationship with Him. If we make Him our desire, everything else will work out for our good! (Psalms 27:4-8.)

Proverbs 24, speaks of a great hope for us. Verses 11-12 speak of a mission, a purpose--and in verse 14 God reassures us that there is a future hope and we will not be cut off. Praise God, even though we stumble, or we are made to stumble--we will rise again (verse 16.)

Finally, in verse 27 God encourages us in what He has called us to do (only you know your personal calling). Remember what happened to Jonah when he ran from his calling and what he believed was injustice! Take time to read Proverbs 24:5-6. You may be in a spiritual battle! Seek God and serve Him only. Only He can make beauty out of your ashes (Isaiah 61:3.)

Jesus Christ--Able to Save?

Today's Reading: "One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" (Luke 23:39)

Dear one, because you have placed your faith (weight, trust) in the Lord Christ Jesus, believed upon Him as the risen Son of God, your faith has been accounted to you as righteousness, or right standing with God, the Father. Period! Will others question and doubt that God has, can or will save you? Oh, yes--count on it! Will we sometimes doubt this truth ourselves? Yes, we will doubt, but we must be careful to guard our hearts and never to allow the father of all lies, satan, to deceive us!

Jesus paid a high price on that cross to purchase our salvation, and we can be sure of His faithfulness to bring about our complete salvation because He is called Faithful and True (Revelation 19:11). As His precious children, we are as safe as brother Noah in that wooden ark, even though we may be being tossed around by raging waters! Remember, Jesus Christ was that Ark, and He is an able Protector for each and everyone of his children!

Beloved, build up your most holy faith (Jude 1:20)! Be mature--thoroughly trained (Hebrews 5:14), and have a ready answer (1 Peter 3:15) for those precious opportunities to share the hope and joy inside you--Jesus Christ!


Today's Reading: "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)

Feel like you don't have a clue in this world???? Oh, beloved, you are in such a wonderful place right now. I know it seems as if you are stumbling around in the dark, and in a way that is what we, as believers are doing. It's called faith! As we read yesterday, Abraham, the father of our faith, was actually called out (set-apart, santified) by God, asked to leave his safe and comfortable home to seek after a place that only God could and would show him. God promised to make Abraham that he would be a blessing, and that through him many nations would arise. Now, talk about a faith walk! You see, Abraham came from a pagan background--he was 75 years old and his wife, Sarah, was barren. More, even if God were to open her womb, Sarah was already well past the childbearing age! Why, even the though of carrying a child at that age would be the death of most women! Talk about stumbling around in the dark! Everything inside Abraham (and Sarah) must have screamed, "This is crazy--impossible! What are you thinking????" But, no, Abraham (and Sarah) chose to believe God. And, God accounted it unto them as righteousness! Right standing with God. Blameless--not sinless.

Oh, whatever lies before you--fear not! With God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)! Walk on, beloved! Walk on!

Follow the Leader

Today's Reading: "The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:1-3)

It has occurred to me that more often than not we find ourselves in a place much like Abraham, the father of our faith. Yes, like Abraham, God may be leading us to a place we don't know! Some might call this blind faith, and in a way it is. Imagine how Abraham must have felt. When God called him out, Abraham was an old man--by any standard! (Though, to me, that sounds younger with each passing day!) Prior to God revealing Himself to Abraham, all Abraham knew was his family and the pagan gods of the land where he was raised. Yet, he obeyed God, learning to walk by faith and not by sight. Like us, Abraham had no idea where he was going, but he knew God, and he knew God would not fail him. Like our brother, Abraham, we, too, must learn to trust in the faithfulness of our God!

Right now, you may be straining to see or struggling to know what lies ahead. What is God's plan and purpose for your life? How is all this going to work out? Respond like Abraham--walk by faith, trust in the goodness of our God, and most importantly, be obedient to His leading!

Faith, trust and obedience. That's all God ever asks of us. The rest lays in the purpose He has already planned for us since the beginning of time (Jeremiah 29:11.)

Beloved, please know that our fear is the greatest hindrance to our faith! As someone recently said, “Sometimes it's hard to open a door that God has planned for us because of His abundant blessings and gifts behind it! Isn't that a beautiful word picture! I pray that your open door is one such as this!

Oh, dear one, push hard!