Today's Reading: "It has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for Him." (Philippians 1:29)
God reveals His majesty in Exodus 33:18-23; 34:1-8. Isaiah 45:5-7 God says there is none other beside Him. Throughout the Bible, the LORD speaks of His graciousness and compassion toward us. Yet, in here in Philippians, the Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul is actually encouraging the church in their suffering--even going as far as to sugest that suffering is one of a believer's highest privileges or honor. More, Paul seems to imply that suffering is somehow mysteriously tied to our God-given faith in Jesus Christ!
Most of us are all about God's compassion, but when it comes to sharing in Christ's suffering, "Forget it!, "I'm out of here"! I've tried to think of one patriarch or leader of the early church, who didn't experience some level of suffering, trial or testing. There isn't one--or, if there is, let me know!
Scripture reminds us that, "Each heart knows its own bitterness" (Proverbs 14:10). This is why Jesus chose to "share in our humanity" (Hebrews 2:14). And, taking on our humanity, human flesh--He took on our sins. In her book, When God Weeps, Joni Eareckson Tada tells us that while hanging on the cross, it was to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, that God, the Father said, "I hate You, I hate that You lied, You stole, You murdered!" Joni further points that the first time in all eternity, Jesus felt dirty, soiled, ashamed, dark. And, for the first time in all eternity--He experienced God, the Father turning His back on Him--His own Son! Did He suffer? More than we will ever know in this life. This same Jesus who was obedient unto death, for us, for our freedom from sin's captivity--it is He who calls us to trust Him and join Him in suffering!
So, if God spared not His own Son, will we fall prey to satan's lie that because we are God's children we should expect nothing less than the a life of peace and ease? Did Jesus Himself not say, "In this world you will have trouble."? (John 16:33) Today's popular "prosperity" and "name it and claim it" doctrines are dangerous and many are being deceived. Worse, many have fallen away believing their faith is too small! No, beloved, no!
Yes, we will hurt, grieve, mourn and weep in our suffering. Ecclesiastes 3:4 tell us that there is a "time to weep." Weeping is one of God's ways of healing. It helps to remember dear child of the King, that any trial you may be facing has personally been hand-sifted and hand-filtered by God Almighty Himself! His reasoning is always good and wise. Truly know that He has our best interest in His heart. If God wasn't in control of each and every situation in our lives, imagine the result! Satan could come against us without God's protective covering! Now, that is frightening! And, as Joni so wisely points out, "God permits what He hates to achieve what He loves."
Earnestly look for God's hand in whatever trial you may be going through. Yes, remaining faithful can be difficult, but it helps if we always hold tight to the truth that God is good.
Set a godly example in your sufering. You suffer for the glory of God--remember the world is watching!
It also helps to know that in our suffering, you and I are being shaped into the likeness of God's own Son (Romans 5:3)! Read 2 Corinthians 4:7, 8-10. Jesus lives through us, in the midst of our circumstances. Trust yourself into the Potter's hands! He is our Abba, Father--our Daddy!
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