
Today's Reading: "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." (1 Timothy 2:11-12)

A friend wrote: "I've been thinking all day about your comment about your belief that women shouldn't teach men. I was reminded of Deborah in [the book of] Judges who became the ruler because Barak wouldn't or couldn't. I'm also reminded of the scripture that speaks that "there is no male or female in Christ," I'm not advocating for every woman to jump out there and start a church, I just think it would be more accurate to say that if God wants to use doesn't matter if you're a donkey, it would bless you to respond appropriately. I just was wondering what your expanded thougths are on that subject."

Response: "My reasoning for women not assuming to teach men is based solely on God's word. Yes, yes, yes--before the cross and before the throne of God, we are all one. There is no male, no female. No Jew--no Greek. Our God is no respecter of persons! We all equally stand before Him and we are all God's precious children. Our heavenly Father is pleased to lavishly pour out His gifts on each and everyone of us for use in building up His holy church and to bring Him glory.

Now, to get a grasp on submission and spiritual authority all we need to do is to consider the God-head Trinity. The Trinity is--has always been the great Three-in-One! All equally God, yet, each willingly assuming differing roles! A great mystery, yes!

Jesus Christ Himself says that God the Father is greater than all (John 10:29!) Jesus, our Savior God, willfully submitted Himself to the Father's will--even to death on a cross, (Philippians 2:6-8)! God the Holy Spirit, willfully submits Himself to both the Father and the Son--never assuming to speak of Himself, thou He is equally God (John 16:13-15). Oh, clearly we can see spiritual authority at work in the Holy Trinity!

Now, as men and women of God what roles are we to willingly assume? Obviously, our God is a God of order and peace and for this reason He has placed every one (male and female) under specific spiritual authority (Hebrews 13:17 and 2 Peter 2:13).

When I stated that I was not comfortable teaching men I was referring to the above passage in 1 Timothy and also 1 Corinthians 14:33-35! Here we find that the head of a woman is man, the head of man is Christ and the head of Christ is God! Spiritual Authority! I believe that where there is a man, willing, able and available to proclaim God's Word, then, glory to God, that man should do so! It is not my place to teach a man--he should be leading and teaching me! However, there have been times and sadly, this is very prevelant today, when men do not, or worse, will not step into their God-given roles as spiritual leaders. Yes, then either God's work will not be accomplished (which is never the case with God), or, God may choose to raise up a woman, or, yes, even a jack-ass (Numbers 22:10-33) to accomplish His purposes. But, it is always a disgrace and shame to man that God must do so, because it is never God's intent!

Judges 4 does tell us about Deborah and Barak. Deborah was a judge over Israel and a prophetess (both ordained gifts from God)--very powerful and respected positions for a man or a woman! Deborah hears a word from God and informs Barak that God has commanded that he and his army head out for battle. Barak's response is one of reluctance, lack of trust, and unbelief in God's truthfulness and His ability to deliver and save! Since Barak failed in immediate obedience to the Lord by refusing to enter into battle alone, Deborah makes it quite clear that the glory for the certain victory would go to a woman. No, the glory didn't go to Deborah, but to another woman who killed the man Deborah and Barak were seeking. Were Deborah and this woman disgraced? No, the disgrace lay solely at the feet of Barak because he did not rise to the occasion to bring honor to God!

In Genesis 3:16, Eve was told that her desire would be to her husband. God has place men in spirutual authority to rule--period! I personally believe that one reason this is so is that women (as we witnessed with Eve and the serpent) are quite often motivated by our emotions which can cause us to be more readily susceptible to deception and temptation. [This is totally me speaking, not God!] Men, as they are created to be, are usually guided more by wisdom and logic--it was not Adam that was deceived! Man was created in God's own image and woman for man.

You know, even I will admit that some good came out of the women's movement of the sixties i.e., equal pay for equal work. Though, truthfully, that is still in question today! Unfortunately, since that time women have moved ever more progressively, every more boldly and every more forcibly in an attempt to overshadow men. So much so, the cause behind the call for "women's rights" has reached the point where a man's respect, pride and dignity are being snatched away in the most vital of all places--as the head and provider of the home and family.

Sadly, this has tragically resulted in much confusion among men, not to mention our children who are observing the patterns being set in our homes. This was never, ever God's intent! I believe this is clear rebellion and scripture tells us that the heart of rebellion is witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23!) We need to be very careful to pray for and to enable our men step into their place of authority. Encourage them, support them, yes! Lead them, no, never!

When I felt God's leading for this ministry, I knew this would greatly impact my husband. So, I went first to him and sought his blessing and prayer. Then, I submitted myself to the leadership of our church. I am a woman under authority! I feel to have stepped into this position without their approval and blessing, I would have not been under God's authority for me, my family or my church family.

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