Fight On!

Today's Reading: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

Dear ones, this is the Christian life! When we first come to Jesus we truly believe all is going to be well with us and the world--world peace! Then, suddenly we're thrust into very dredges of battle! Because of our misconceptions, when the war rages, many fall away. Don't be one of those who fall away! No, learn every morning to put on your battle gear and begin your day literally visualizing that you are marching out to war. Oh, thank God, He blesses us with so many days that we are not even aware of the spiritual enemies all around us. This is so good of Him, but always, always be on guard because satan will pounce suddenly--he hates God, he hates his precious Son Jesus Christ and because you belong to them, he means your demise!

Fight with the sword of the Spirit--the Word of God. It is your only defensive weapon. You can't yield this weapon if you don't know what it says--so start learning to hide God's Word in your hearts! Learn to yield His Word well! And stand, being girded in the belt of God's truth--always seek after His truth! Put on your helmet--your breastplate, carry your shield (satan loves to throw those fiery darts!) Let your feet be prepared in readiness! To put this simply--put on Christ! He is the Word--He is the Truth--He is our Salvation! We have no hope of winning the battle and claiming the victory unless we do so in the power and might of our Lord and Savior!

So, don't become offended when satan uses those around you to attack--because, that is his most common source! Good heavens, he used the mouth of the apostle Peter agains his Lord, Jesus!

Keep in mind that the Bible tells us to rejoice during these times when we suffer for Christ's sake, because we are suffering with Him. It is proof that we are truly His! Remember, satan doesn't bother with those he already has--so yes, rejoice and again, I say, rejoice!

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